It all started with Hospitals and peeling paint, then came tall buildings, industry and rust. Then came the mines. Where to next?

I can’t say I ever planned it this way, I was sucked in, you could say. The need for decay and the thirst for the adrenaline rush remains, but is quenched with the hardcore pursuits of mines, hospitals, underground tunnels and industrial infrastructure.

This is where I will give you an insight into the world of urban exploration or urbex as is commonly known. I frequentley travel with other explorers in search of derelict, forgotten and abandoned hospitals, mines, factories, asylums, workshops and many other locations.

The philosophy is simple "Take nothing but photos, Leave nothing but footprints"

Regret nothing but the things you chose not to do. Push your boundaries

Amesbury ROC Post Wilts 13.03.11

Hvaing been chased by a farmer and falling off a galvenised gate to find this one it was a very quick explore due to the fact that its 100yrds from RAF Boscombe down perimiter fence and there were sirens approaching. Bunker is quite tidy not in as good condition as Alderbury but thats understandable.